Course Name Course number Language Credts Branch Course outline
Construction Digital Data Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Construction Digital Data Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • This course aims to develop the ability to understand mechanisms for extracting, analyzing, and utilizing data through the standardization of digital data generated throughout the construction lifecycle. Building on this foundation, the course focuses on fostering competencies in data-driven design automation and knowledge management, optimization of construction planning, and the application of machine learning and generative AI for construction data learning and prediction.
Advanced Construction Materials Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Construction Materials Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding construction materials based on fundamental disciplines such as physics, chemistry, and mechanics. Based on the fundamental theories, exploring applications in the construction field. Aiming to provide specialized knowledge of construction materials through an integrated approach combining analysis, simulation, and experimentation.
Introduction to Building Information Modeling 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Building Information Modeling


Lecture Objectives

  • Building Information Modeling (BIM) is a key technology in smart construction and essential for the digital transformation of the construction industry. This course provides an overview of BIM in the construction industry, including its definition, technology, and policies. It covers open BIM standards, BIM design and construction techniques, digital collaboration systems, BIM data collection and analysis techniques, BIM-based digital construction management techniques, generative design using AI, and data-driven digital engineering techniques. The course combines theory and practical exercises, along with case studies of practical applications in the construction industry.
Advanced Spatial Information 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Spatial Information


Lecture Objectives

  • Through the study of spatial information systems, remote sensing, and the integration analysis of spatial data, as well as through applied research utilizing these tools, students learn to collect, process, analyze, and visualize spatial data and conduct real-world case studies. This course specifically targets the construction sector, focusing on essential knowledge and skills in various fields, particularly urban planning, environmental management, disaster response, and public policy development.
Advanced Foundation Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Foundation Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding the design methodologies of shallow and deep foundations and analyzing the behavior of a foundation subjected to various superstructures.
Highway and Transportation Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Highway and Transportation Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • The purpose of this class is to cover the major areas of highway design elements, traffic flow theory, capacity analysis, traffic safety, pavement design concept, transportation planning concepts.
Infrastructure Management System 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Infrastructure Management System


Lecture Objectives

  • Students will be able to define the elements of planning, design, construction, maintenance, rehabilitation, and management of transportation constructed facilities and sketch the infrastructure management framework, explain the decision-making levels, and list the main benefits of utilizing infrastructure management system.
Advanced Theory of Urban Planning 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Theory of Urban Planning


Lecture Objectives

  • In this lecture, students learn the basic contents and theories for urban planning. Lectures are given on various urban planning systems and techniques such as urban master plan for the long-term vision and spatial composition of the city, urban management plan, which is a key tool for urban planning and operation, and district unit plan that constitutes the shape of the city. In addition, through lectures, students will learn and discuss issues about urban resilience, resident participation, and carbon neutrality, which are the paradigms of recent urban planning.
Membrane for Water Treatment 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Membrane for Water Treatment


Lecture Objectives

  • Study on membrane theory, application, and simulation.
Instrumental Analysis 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Instrumental Analysis


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding the analytical chemistry and instrumental analysis in the environmental field.
Advanced Water & Wastewater Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Water & Wastewater Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • Basic concept, standard of an institution are understood in waterworks system. Also principle of basis equation, plan and design of water intak/supply/treatment and distibution, problem solving method of facilities operation & management are lectured.
Eco & Environmental Hydrology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Eco & Environmental Hydrology


Lecture Objectives

  • In this lecture, the basic theory and technology for eco and environment hydrology to achieve sustainable development and management in the catchment.
Applied Water Resources Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Applied Water Resources Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • 수자원 실무를 위한 기초 지식 습득과 연습을 목적으로 하며, 수문학, 수리학, 수문통계학 들의 기초지식을 활용하여 수자원 사업 및 계획을 위한 실무 적용 방법론 등을 다룬다. In this lecture, the basic theory and technology for water resources engineering project. Using the knowledge and experience of hydrology, hydraulic and statistics, the practical approach for water-related project planning is delivered.
Water Quality Management of Rivers and Lakes 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Water Quality Management of Rivers and Lakes


Lecture Objectives

  • understanding 1) the limnology and river ecosystem, 2) the river and lake water quality management techniques and field application plans, 3) the ecological river creation techniques considering water circulation and point and non-point pollution sources.
Physico-Chemical Process for Enhanced Water Treatment 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Physico-Chemical Process for Enhanced Water Treatment


Lecture Objectives

  • 수돗물의 생산을 위하여 필요한 물리화학적 처리기술의 기본 지식을 기반으로 정수처리를 위한 일반적인 기술들을 한 단계 높일 수 있는 고급기술들의 원리 및 이들을 현장에 적용하는 자동화 기법 등을 강의 한다. This course covers the automated techniques such as applying them in the field of advanced principles and technology that can improve the general technique for the water process is based on the basic knowledge of the physical and chemical treatment technologies necessary for the production of drinking water.
Introduction to Smart Construction 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Smart Construction


Lecture Objectives

  • This course introduces the concept of smart construction, use cases, and digital transformation trends. In addition, it explains database, BIM-GIS, SCAN & Vision, AI & Big data, Cloud Platform, IoT, Robotics, Digital Twin, and international standard technologies that are the foundation of smart construction. In addition, using computer languages such as Python, students will implement basic techniques such as data structure design, deep learning, and IoT data analysis. Through this course, students can design smart construction use case scenarios useful for business and understand how to effectively implement them.
Safety Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Safety Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • Student will be able to review on highway safety analysis and treatments based on engineering standpoint.
Advanced Rock Mechanics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Rock Mechanics


Lecture Objectives

  • Covering fundamental physical and mechanical characteristics of rock, evaluation method of discontinuity, and classification of rock mass and practical applications. (2) Understanding various coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of rock, and methodology of laboratory experiment and numerical modeling, for practical application in energy resouces engineering (e.g., reservoir engineering and nuclear waste disposal).
Applied Groundwater Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Applied Groundwater Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • A study to understand groundwater as a process of hydrological components, recharge from precipitation, understand the characteristics and principles of the baseflow through the aquifer, and understand the behavior of groundwater according to pumping etc.
Computational Geomechanics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Computational Geomechanics


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding theoretical background and basic concept of numerical analysis using artificial neural network and some representative finite element method to solve geotechnical problems and apply in practice.
Soil Dynamics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Soil Dynamics


Lecture Objectives

  • 지반진동 및 흙의 동적 특성에 관한 기본적 이론들과 지반의 액상화 현상 및 옹벽, 사면, 말뚝 기초 등의 지반구조물 내진설계를 수행하기 위한 설계 이론들을 학습한다.
Introduction to Groundwater Contamination 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Groundwater Contamination


Lecture Objectives

  • Fundamental theory of contaminant transport including advection, dispersion and reaction processes are studied. Also, numerical approaches for finite-difference solution to solve groundwater flow and transport equations in unsaturated flow equations are going to be dealt.
Advanced Mobility System 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Mobility System


Lecture Objectives

  • The subject aims to provide a comprehensive education on the design, construction, and operation of an appropriate system in the process of meeting the societal needs and road infrastructure input for various advanced mobility systems. With the emergence of advanced mobility systems in the field of transportation, including the reduction of traffic accidents, congestion, safety, and carbon neutrality issues, it is crucial to understand the types, technological trends, construction, and operation systems of advanced mobility. This course will cover procedural methodologies for analyzing advanced mobility systems and methods of integrating information, enabling a holistic understanding of the overall transportation system. It will also educate students on system design approaches at each stage of the information collection, processing, and information provision processes through systematic analysis of recent trends in mobility systems.
Advanced Tunnel Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Tunnel Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • 본 과목은 토질역학의 기본내용을 바탕으로 지반구조물의 설계, 시공 및 유지관리에 필요한 진보된 토질역학이론을 다루며 전문 지반기술자로써 갖추어야 할 전문 지식을 습득하고 실무 적용성을 향상 시키는 것을 목표로 한다
Advanced Soil Mechanics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Soil Mechanics


Lecture Objectives

  • Aiming to learn advanced soil mechanics including geotechnical design, construction, and maintenance
River Hydraulics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

River Hydraulics


Lecture Objectives

  • ? Velocity distribution, flow computation, computational process for steady uniform flow and hydraulic features and analysis methods for gradually varied flow are lectured for understanding flow characteristics in open channels. Methods to analyze and solve various hydraulic problems based on fundamental principles of open channel flow are introduced in this lecture.
Environmental Microbiology 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Environmental Microbiology


Lecture Objectives

  • In this lecture, students will study the types, characteristics, and functions of microorganisms.
Statistics for Environmental Engineers 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Statistics for Environmental Engineers


Lecture Objectives

  • Practical SPSS exercise lectures for environmental data
Environmental Chemistry 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Environmental Chemistry


Lecture Objectives

  • 환경오염물질의 제거원리는 생화학적 산화-환원, 화학처리 및 물리적 분리, 이온교환, 흡착 등이다. 본 강의에서는 이의 원리를 화학공정학적 측면으로 설명하고 해석하여 각 처리원리에 대한 이해를 도모하고자 한다. The fundamentals of pollutant removal in environmental engineering are based on chemical oxidation-reduction, chemical reaction and physical separation, ion exchange, and adsorption This class will promote understanding for pollutant treatments by introduction chemical treatment through environmental process.