Course Name Course number Language Credts Branch Course outline
Basics of MEMS Processes and Understanding Device Application 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Basics of MEMS Processes and Understanding Device Application


Lecture Objectives

  • This class will provide basic knowledge of photolithography technique and packaging processes for fabrication of MEMS and devices, and application theory for developing practical devices. Major topics of this class are as follows. - Understanding of major materials such as silicon and photoresist - Theory of photolithographoy - Understanding of fabrication process for micro- and nano structures - Experiments and practices on photolithography and replication (May be skipped according to the situations) - Measurement and evaluation of the results of the processes: theories and practice (May be skipped according to the situations) - Understanding and fundamentals of packaging process - Fundamentals about rheology for advanced packaging process
Elementary Physics of Solid 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Elementary Physics of Solid


Lecture Objectives

  • This course will discuss reciprocal lattice formulation, electronic conductivity, thermal conductivity, semiconductor behavior. Other physical properties and phenomena observed in nanostructures will be examined in this course. Elementary quantum mechanics will be used to understand material properties.
Introduction and Basic of Nanomechatronics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction and Basic of Nanomechatronics


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture introduces nanomechatronics technology include various nanopatterning lithography technologies i.e. nanoimprint, e-beam, STMs, Ion-beam, soft and micro contact printing, X-ray, interference lithographies, etc and focuses on acquiring knowledges of the nanomechatronics technology for nanoelectronics devices, nanosensors, flexible display, medical and biological devices. Lecture scopes are as follows;- Nanopatterning lithography process and systems- Nano-biological-medical applications, and 3D bioprinting applications in tissue engineering- Energy storage devices and materials using nanotechnology- Laser photochemical processing for various application- Inkjet Printing Systems and Applications- Fabrication of plastic nano/micro-fluidic devices, etc
Nano Thin Film Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Nano Thin Film Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • 이 강의는 나노박막 형성을 위한 진공 박막 증착을 이용한 코팅 공정에 대한 이해를 높이고, 최신 진공 코팅 장비기술을 파악한다./The purpose of this lecture is to understand the vacuum coating process for nanoscale thin film growth and to provide information of recently developed vacuum coating system
Nanopatterning Lithography and Material Applications 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Nanopatterning Lithography and Material Applications


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture introduces various nanopatterning technologies, including nanoimprint lithography technology, and focuses on acquiring knowledge of the nanopattern manufacturing process and learning about device applications. In addition, it is intended to introduce the characteristics of nanopatterning and surface treatment materials and to help understand the improvement of release and adhesion.
Air Pollution Control Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Air Pollution Control Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • It is the purpose of this course for students 1) to understand physical and chemical characteristics about fine and ultrafine particles and gas phase pollutants such as NOx (Nitrogen Oxides), SOx (Sulfur Oxides), and VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) in exhaust gas from various industries such as internal combustions, thermal power plants, and manufacturing industries, for example, steel, chemistry, semiconductor etc, and 2) to learn professional knowledges how to remove those pollutants efficiently, how to design and operate the removal technologies, and how to analyze their performances. In particular, it is possible for the students to study various theories and fundamentals related to fine and ultrafine particles which become one of the biggest social issues in the world, and also to learn selective catalytic reduction (NOx), electrostatic precipitation and filtration (PM2.5, PM10), and wet scrubbers (soluble gas pollutants) in detail to design and operate in real fields.
Laser Processing Machine and Laser Process 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Laser Processing Machine and Laser Process


Lecture Objectives

  • This course aims to study laser processing machine (which includes laser source, optics, control, monitoring and etc) and laser-material interaction during a various process (which includes welding, cutting, drilling and etc). After the course, we expect the students are ready to use a laser processing machines and develop a key component of the machine.
Robot Systems and Application 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Robot Systems and Application


Lecture Objectives

  • This course covers various robot systems by robot types and application fields to improve understanding of robotics theory and technology. This includes cooperative robots (human-robot cooperation), dual arm robots, parallel robots, assembly robots and so on.
Introduction to Plasma Engineering for Semiconductor Manufacturing 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Plasma Engineering for Semiconductor Manufacturing


Lecture Objectives

  • This course introduces the overview of plasma technology for semiconductor and display manufacturing industry. Fundamentals of plasma physics and chemistry are dealt with various types of plasma sources, such as low-pressure plasmas, atmospheric-pressure cold plasmas and thermal plasmas. Topical review of plasma processing is addressed for electronics manufacturing, such as plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition and reactive-ion etching.
Engineering Technologies of Power Generation System 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Engineering Technologies of Power Generation System


Lecture Objectives

  • The overview of fundamentals for analysis and design of power generation system are inclued in this lecture. Based on this lecture, students can have a capability to analysis of system engineering technologies such as coal power plant, combined power plant, fuel cell and CCS, S-CO2 and new concept power generation plant.
Introduction to Reliability Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Reliability Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • In this lecture, learn the basic theory of reliability engineering, which is increasingly important as a key factor in manufacturing competitiveness in various industries, and evaluate the reliability of machinery parts and systems by utilizing qualitative/quantitative reliability analysis methods. The main goal of this lecture is to cultivate engineering ability to establish reliability test design and evaluation plans, and the main lecture contents are as follows. - Introduction of probability and statistical theory - Qualitative and quantitative reliability analysis methods (FMEA/FTA) - Life test evaluation and failure data analysis, reliability test planning - Life estimation, maintenance and reliability of mechanical parts and systems, Design of accelerated life test.
Aerosol and Particle Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Aerosol and Particle Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • Understanding for the generation and growth of nanoparticles in the gas phase.
Design and System Engineering of Fuel Cells 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Design and System Engineering of Fuel Cells


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture aims for the students at providing the fundamentals and system engineering capability for the fuel-cell-based power generation systems. Among several types of fuel cell, this lecture focuses on the solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) system, primarily targeting the distributed power generation application. Lectures are divided into three parts, fundamentals of fuel cell, cell/stack design and manufacturing, systems design, analysis, and BOP.
Advanced Combustion 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Combustion


Lecture Objectives

  • 연료와 산화제를 반응시켜 열과 빛을 발생하는 연소현상을 물리화학적으로 분석하고 고체, 액체, 기체 연료의 연소현상을 이해하며 연소이론을 연소기기에 응용하는 방법에 대해 학습함. / This course handles microscopic combustion phenomena considering chemical reaction between solid, liquid & gas fuels and oxidizers and introduces how to apply combustion theory to combustion devices
Basic Calculation of Heat and Mass Balance 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Basic Calculation of Heat and Mass Balance


Lecture Objectives

  • basic engineering calculation for physico-chemical equipment such as combustor, drier
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Mechanical Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture focuses on the current status of research in KIMM School's laboratories related to the three specializations: Nano-Mechatronics, Robot·Manufacturing Systems, and Environment·Energy Machinery, as well as technology trends and application cases in related fields. The main goal of this lecture is to help students gain an overall and broad understanding of the Mechanical Engineering Major and to cultivate the knowledge to conduct convergence research between different research fields. - Current research status, technical trends and applications on Nano-Mechatronics - Current research status, technical trends and applications on Robot·Manufacturing Systems - Current research status, technical trends and applications on Environment·Energy Machinery
Applied Thermo-Fluid Dynamics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Applied Thermo-Fluid Dynamics


Lecture Objectives

  • A lecture includes the fundamentals of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics and heat transfer for environmental and energy systems and applications of the fundamental knowledges to real systems.
Introduction to Printed Electronics 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Printed Electronics


Lecture Objectives

  • This lecture aims to provide the basic understanding about printed electronics. In particular, printing machine system and ink material will be introduced as basic techniques of printed electronics.
Fundamentals of Materials Science 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Fundamentals of Materials Science


Lecture Objectives

  • This is an introductory course, designed to provide the fundamental concepts of materials science. Modern physics, periodic table, structure, diffusion, polymer, carbon, phase transformation, heat treatment, and physical properties of materials will be lectured.
Electrochemical and electrothermal process for energy conversion and storage 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Electrochemical and electrothermal process for energy conversion and storage


Lecture Objectives

  • The course aims to provide the students with a knowledge of energy conversion and storage based on electrochemical and electrothermal process
Introduction to Precision Manufacturing Systems 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Introduction to Precision Manufacturing Systems


Lecture Objectives

  • This course is on the conceptual design and practical application of precision manufacturing equipment and systems (advanced machine tools, 3D printing equipment, semiconductor process equipment, etc.). Through studying concepts such as simulation, measurement and calibration, control, monitoring, and intelligent technology, the course focuses on field-oriented case studies to cultivate expertise in becoming professionals in this field.
Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Process and Equipment 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Advanced Semiconductor Packaging Process and Equipment


Lecture Objectives

  • This course aims to provide an introduction to the overall technology of advanced semiconductor packaging and an understanding of the trends of packaging process/equipment technology. In addition, in-depth learning will be performed to acquire principles, key element technologies, and applied equipment technologies for some key packaging processes.
Surface and Interface Engineering 3 Korean course Major 본원 -
Course Name

Surface and Interface Engineering


Lecture Objectives

  • This class explores the theory and applications of surfaces and interfaces for graduate students in engineering, focusing on nano- and micro-scale processes and systems.