We live in the massive trend of the 4th industrial revolution, and technologies such as artificial intelligence, data, and application services are the key elements to respond well to this. ETRI has excellent experiences in the industrial fields related to artificial intelligence, such as Exobrain or GenieTutor in the voice/language areas, and Deepview, autonomous vehicles, or robot applications in computer vision areas. Based on these, we aim to train challenging and creative future professionals for realizing a super-intelligent information society in which humans and artificial intelligence coexist. In the artificial intelligence major, not only core intelligence technologies, such as computer vision, voice and language, hearing, but also study of complex intelligence, which is a fusion of them. To achieve this, we offer courses such as machine learning and pattern recognition, deep learning, voice signal processing, image processing, computer vision, etc. In addition, we open cooperative courses with KISTI and KIST to become a leader in the nation's AI research.