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미래를 혁신하고 세계를 선도하는 UST


Majors(by List)

Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering
  • Main CampusKorea Research Institute of Chemical Technology
  • Participating Campus
  • Number of Students 81
  • Number of Faculty65


The Advanced Materials and Chemical Engineering Major is intended to develop new materials and processes those are of help to different industries and humans based on chemical reactions. This major provides students with research and education opportunities related to design, synthesis, and analysis of general chemical-based materials, basic physics, processes, and devices. Students also research greenhouse gas utilization and reduction, and eco-friendly technologies in petrochemistry and fine chemistry which are some of the nation’s traditional industries, based on the principles of basic studies such as chemistry, physics, and biology.


Chemical Engineering

Chemical engineering (CE) is a multidisciplinary research areas based on chemistry, physics and biology that can get a clue for global sustainability. Especially, our department focus research on Carbon Capture Storage Utilization for Green Industry, Greenhouse (CO2) Gas Reduction, and Bio-based Chemistry for Eco-friendly Process, which are necessary to restore and conserve ecosystems on earth.

Advanced Materials

Advanced materials is an interdisciplinary specialty area that focuses on potential applications and fundamental properties of functional materials based on chemistry. Our program of teaching and research in this specialty area spans not only the breadth of chemistry including the design, synthesis and characterization but also fundamental physics, process, and simulation of the chemistry convergence materials. Cutting-edge interdisciplinary research of our sub-department provide our graduate students with the foundation and creativity needed for leading the innovation of high performance materials in response to challenges in the area of information and electronics, green energy, and biotechnology convergence materials.

International Admission(Non-Korean Citizen for Spring 2025 plan

Recruitment Guide
Master Doctor Integrated